Rounding with number of digits determined by an equivalence test


This function implements the suggestions of Astier & Wolak for the number of decimal digits to keep for coefficient estimates. The other statistics are rounded by fmt_significant().


fmt_equivalence(conf_level = 0.95, digits = 3, pdigits = NULL, ...)


conf_level Confidence level to use for the equivalence test (1 - alpha).
digits Number of significant digits to keep.
pdigits Number of decimal digits to keep for p values. If NULL, the value of digits is used.
Additional arguments are passed to the format() function (e.g., big.marks, scientific). See ?format


Astier, Nicolas, and Frank A. Wolak. Credible Numbers: A Procedure for Reporting Statistical Precision in Parameter Estimates. No. w32124. National Bureau of Economic Research, 2024.



mod <- lm(mpg ~ hp, mtcars)

# Default equivalence-based formatting
modelsummary(mod, fmt = fmt_equivalence())
(Intercept) 30
hp -0.07
Num.Obs. 32
R2 0.602
R2 Adj. 0.589
AIC 181.2
BIC 185.6
Log.Lik. -87.619
F 45.460
RMSE 3.74
# alpha = 0.2
modelsummary(mod, fmt = fmt_equivalence(conf_level = .8))
(Intercept) 30
hp -0.068
Num.Obs. 32
R2 0.602
R2 Adj. 0.589
AIC 181.2
BIC 185.6
Log.Lik. -87.619
F 45.460
RMSE 3.74
# default equivalence, but with alternative significant digits for other statistics
modelsummary(mod, fmt = fmt_equivalence(digits = 5))
(Intercept) 30
hp -0.07
Num.Obs. 32
R2 0.602
R2 Adj. 0.589
AIC 181.2
BIC 185.6
Log.Lik. -87.619
F 45.460
RMSE 3.74