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By default, this data frame is passed to the 'gof_map' argument of the 'modelsummary' function. Users can modify this data frame to customize the list of statistics to display and their format. See example below.




data.frame with 4 columns of character data: raw, clean, fmt, omit


if (identical(Sys.getenv("pkgdown"),  "true")) {

mod <- lm(wt ~ drat, data = mtcars)
gm <- modelsummary::gof_map
gm$omit[gm$raw == 'deviance'] <- FALSE
gm$fmt[gm$raw == 'r.squared'] <- "%.5f"
modelsummary(mod, gof_map = gm)
#> Error: Assertion failed. One of the following must apply:
#>  * checkmate::check_numeric(fmt): Must be of type 'numeric', not
#>  * 'character'
#>  * checkmate::check_class(fmt): Must inherit from class 'fmt_factory',
#>  * but has class 'character'
#>  * checkmate::check_function(fmt): Must be a function, not 'character'
#>  * checkmate::check_string(fmt): Must comply to pattern '%'
#>  * checkmate::check_null(fmt): Must be NULL